Our company:

Due to our geographical location, we encourage service values and proximity to a large set of customers. We offer a complete service for all types of vessels, 24 h/24 and 7/7.

With a dynamic, entrepreneurial and experienced team ASAPS advises and accompanies you during all your marine operations for a major customer satisfaction in terms of quality and time.

ASAPS chooses to keep a human structure to be closer to its customers and to ensure each one personalized care of its applications, using all means necessary.


A good value for our customers by providing an efficient, reliable and profitable cost services

Our commitments:

  • - We adapt our offers to your specific requirements.
  • - We promote effective listening and individual attention to our customers to meet their needs and satisfaction.
  • - We provide reliable, quality and competitive prices.
  • - We continue the improvement of our working methods to best services.

Quality service:

ASAPS obtained according to the ISO 9001-2000 certification to guarantee its customers first quality service. In a continuous evolution, we are committed to providing the leadership necessary to ship always keep a higher standard of quality.

ASAPS is absolutely flexible and always adapting the customers needs using the best human and technological resources. We keep always a fluent contact with customers to optimize all operations.